Phone: (512) 539-9402
Wi-Fi Controlled Relay - Works with Amazon Alexa or Android and iOS free eWeLink app. Use Cell Phone, Tablet or Alexa to Control from Anywhere
Wi-Fi Controlled Relay (120V) - Works with Amazon Alexa or Android and iOS free eWeLink app. Use Cell Phone, Tablet or Alexa to Control from Anywhere
Wi-Fi Controlled Relay (240V) - Works with Amazon Alexa or Android and iOS free eWeLink app. Use Cell Phone, Tablet or Alexa to Control from Anywhere
Wi-Fi Controlled Contactor (120V) - Works with Amazon Alexa or Android and iOS free eWeLink app. Use Cell Phone, Tablet or Alexa to Control from Anywhere
Wi-Fi Controlled Contactor (240V) - Works with Amazon Alexa or Android and iOS free eWeLink app. Use Cell Phone, Tablet or Alexa to Control from Anywhere
Wireless Remote Control Transmitter / Relay Receiver with Amazon Alexa & iPhone or Android eWelink app Activation - Up to 6 Mile Operation
Wireless Remote Control Transmitter / Relay Receiver with Amazon Alexa & iPhone or Android eWelink app Activation - Up to 1 Mile Operation
Wi-Fi & Mobile Network Controlled Relays, Contactors and Valves